This article presents a feasibility study about using energy dissipating devices for retrofitting of an industrial prefabricated concrete structure in Turkey. The main purpose of using this method is to decrease the construction time, prevent business interruption and probable changes to architecture which are usually caused by conventional retrofitting methods. Since there is no specification on design of seismic dampers in Turkey; international counterparts such as ASCE 41-13 (American Society of Civil Engineers), FEMA 356 (Federal Emergency Management Agency), BRI-2001 (Building Research Institute-Japan) and JSSI Manual (Japan Society of Seismic Isolation) are examined. The target performance levels are “Life Safety” for the “Design Based Earthquake” (10% probability of exceedance,475 years return period) and “Collapse Prevention” for the “Maximum Considered Earthquake” (2% probability of exceedance, 2475 years return period). A two-phased approach has been considered for the retrofit design. In the first phase, preliminary elastic design was carried out by using displacement and acceleration spectra for the specified earthquakes. In the second phase, site-specific spectrum has been determined by probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Moreover, strong ground motions have been selected to match target spectrum for dynamic analyses. Results of the preliminary retrofit design phase has been verified by performing nonlinear time-history analyses. Analysis results shows that, by using viscous dampers to retrofit industrial prefabricated concrete structures, it is possible to obtain the target
structural performance levels with minimum business interruption and associated economic loss.

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