Overview of Engineering Options for Increasing Infrastructure Resilience in Africa

Overview of Engineering Options for Increasing Infrastructure Resilience in Africa

August 2022

About the Project 

The Overview of Engineering Options for Increasing Infrastructure Resilience in Africa project builds upon previously completed technical background studies for global infrastructure resilience programming, with the objective of developing a specific infrastructure resilience matrix for Africa. This project focuses on African countries, the physical impact of earthquake, wind, flood, and extreme heat hazards on key infrastructure sectors (power, transportation, waste management), and the infrastructure resilience measures feasible for the region. 

About the Global Center on Adaptation 

The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an international organization working as a solutions broker to accelerate action and support for adaptation solutions, from the international to the local, in partnership with the public and private sectors, to ensure we learn from each other and work together for a climate-resilient future. Founded in 2018, its global office is hosted by the Netherlands in Rotterdam, with regional offices in Africa, South Asia, and Asia Pacific, as well as a knowledge and research hub based in Groningen. Through its evolving network of offices, we engage in innovative solutions to drive adaptation at scale, high-level policy development, new research contributions, advocacy, and communications, and work with its partners to deliver action on the ground. Its work focuses on those who are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, including the poorest people in the poorest countries. 

About Miyamoto International 

Miyamoto International (Miyamoto) is a global multi-hazard engineering and disaster-risk reduction firm providing resiliency expertise that sustains industries and safeguards communities around the world. We are experts in engineering practices that reduce damage and facilitate disaster recovery. We design new construction and assess existing buildings to address specific vulnerabilities to disasters. We prioritize solutions that limit damage, business interruption, and loss of life. Miyamoto is strategically located worldwide in regions vulnerable to disaster to positively impact economies and save lives. 


The opinions, findings, and conclusions stated herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor. 


Miyamoto wishes to thank the Global Center on Adaptation team, led by Mr. Danilo Cançado and Mr. Nitin Jain, for the opportunity to support this critical work, and for providing critical guidance throughout the project. 

Miyamoto also wishes to thank Mr. Evans Ochola and Mr. Richard Okello for their support on sourcing critical datasets. 

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